Blizzard revealed nearly all the Hero Talent Trees with the launch of the War Within Alpha and subsequent builds.
Our Enhancement Shaman guide writer, Wordup, offers an early review of the Stormbringer Hero Talents, offering an exceptional gameplay feel as you attempt to control the volatile nature of lightning through strong explosive moments that lead into a quiet period as the storm builds back up.
Hero talents are the new primary combat system for The War Within, with each specialization having access to two heavily themed bonus talent trees to choose from. As a reminder, unlike on our current class and spec talent trees, every single node on your selected Hero Talent tree is granted — you may choose between Stormbringer or Totemic and then have some additional smaller choice nodes on the tree selected. Enhancement has been the very last spec to have them introduced and, unsurprisingly, I've been really excited to see what's on the horizon for us. The first revealed, Stormbringer, may well be a case of saving the best til last, heavily focusing on aspects that our Dragonflight Storm build made great use of. It's razor focused on our Maelstrom Weapon resource, using it to launch a barrage of Lightning spenders alongside a powerful new finisher, while also avoiding the pitfall of adding in more RNG to an already volatile build.