The first news from Tokyo Game Show 2024 is a new 11-minute gameplay video of UNDEFEATED: Genesis, a superhero action game made by the indie Japanese studio Indie-us Games. This is a sequel to 2019's free game UNDEFEATED, which was made by three studio members when they were still students.
Developed with Unreal Engine 5, UNDEFEATED: Genesis is planned to be the first entry in a trilogy. Here's the brief synopsis and overview provided by Indie-us Games:
You are an ordinary college student living an unremarkable life when you are struck by a meteor. You wake up on a mysterious planet where you discover you have been endowed with incredible powers.
This planet was once home to a civilization far more advanced than Earth's, but centuries earlier, a massive explosion devastated it and left it plagued by destructive mutants. Now, you must stand up for the remaining survivors and use your awesome powers to rid the planet of its violent and catastrophic blight.
If you're attending Tokyo Game Show 2024, the developer has also brought a public demo that anyone can try by heading to the Chorus Worldwide booth in the TGS Indie Corner.
UNDEFEATED: Genesis is currently targeting a 2026 release window for PC (Steam) and PlayStation 5. Chances are we won't be getting any Superman games before that date, although maybe Monolith Productions will have released its Wonder Woman game.