In , you can live out your fantasies by collecting a series of Golden Balls in exchange for a wish. This substory begins automatically, after Majima leaves Revolve Bar at the beginning of Chapter Three. You'll be railroaded into taking a certain path down the street outside the bar, which will lead you directly to Captain Beef. Having recently joined your pirate crew, he'll explain that he has a goal of his own: to find seven legendary Golden Balls strewn about the streets of Honolulu.
If he finds them, Captain Beef says, and if Majima's willing to help him, they'll be granted a wish by someone named Shen. Thus begins the aptly-named substory "." Shortly thereafter, Shen himself sends Majima a text with a list of hints. They're pretty clear on the general area of the balls, but each one is either hidden in a highly specific location, or requires completion of a totally separate task. Here's how to find all seven Golden Balls, and what you get from Shen for doing so.
This is one of the easiest Golden Balls to get in . Simply head to the Wan Shang Tong Herbal Shop in the Cultural District. The fastest way there is to take a taxi to Lotus Street, but you can also walk or Segway over. In case you haven't discovered it yet, it's near the westernmost point of your Honolulu map. The medicine shop is open-air; the Golden Ball itself can be found behind the counter, on a poster showing the outlines of two human bodies. It's conveniently located between one of their legs.
There are plenty of entry points into Yakuza/Like A Dragon, but they both have pros and cons; don't make a mistake you can't take back.
You'll need to use your grappling hook to grab most of these Golden Balls, which you should've obtained naturally through the story by this point. Simply point it with L2/LT and the right thumbstick, then shoot with R2/RT.
Next, head over to Shinobi Sushi, the restaurant you may have already visited as part of the substory "" (or just to try the California rolls). It's