A sequel to 2011's, expands upon its predecessor in fun new ways while still keeping the trademark silliness that made the first so beloved. Developed by Snoozy Kazoo and published by Grafitti Games, the title eschews the melee focus of the original and shifts to a more shoot 'em up style with delightful results. Though it's not a very long or complex title, its fast-paced style, inventive weaponry and quests, and frequent laugh-out-loud moments make for an incredibly enjoyable journey.
Taking place just a few days after the events of the first game, the titular vegetable is almost immediately brought back into the world of crime by Dillitini, the Pickled Gang's leader. The fedora-clad pickle recruits Turnip Boy to help steal the Botanical Bank's fortune, which is done through a roguelite-style loop of bank runs and warehouse visits for supplies. The bank is full of creative environments, enemies, NPCs, and loot as well as a few boss fights, and while runs can sometimes feel a bit repetitive, the bank as a whole is great fun to explore.
A new spin on an old classic shows Turnip Boy has even more depth than expected.
The exploration of the Botanical Bank is done through incremental progress, beginning in the lobby and slowly expanding as Turnip Boy explores and defeats bosses to earn keycards and access new areas. A timer in the corner — which starts with only three minutes, but can be upgraded — counts down to when police will arrive on the scene, meaning players must prioritize their tasks on each visit. This really helps keep things engaging, and it's very easy to fall into a "" loop with how short each one is.
While hasn't received a huge graphical upgrade from its predecessor, there's still a noticeable improvement between the two, and the varied biomes and enemies of the bank are a delight. The building is also full of both new and old NPCs, with lots of returning characters from the first that make reference to their history with the protagonist. Just as in
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