's Night City is a dangerous yet captivating dystopian metropolis. The city is a constant battleground for power and corruption, where mercenaries, corporations, and gangs clash in pursuit of dominance. In a place where crime and chaos are rampant, there are a few things that just don't make sense.
Something that falls short in a crime-ridden city is the controlled road behavior. Obeying the rules of the road feels out of place in a city otherwise teeming with chaos, violence, and an anything-goes attitude. It's a small but glaring inconsistency that breaks the immersion of an otherwise gritty and unpredictable world.
The chaotic Night City in is ripe with violence and mayhem, so the automatic green lights seem like an odd and out-of-place feature to find amidst the constant chaos. has gangs clashing in shadowy alleyways, mercenaries hunting down targets and completing tasks, and corporations pulling the strings behind the scenes, so the idea of smooth, uninterrupted traffic flow seems oddly convenient but also underwhelming.
Cyberpunk 2077 received an update recently, but that doesn't mean the team at CD Projekt Red will release any more updates for the game.
While the automatic greenlight system in is helpful for timed missions and quests, it takes away from the gritty, high-stakes atmosphere of the otherwise dangerous city. The predictable traffic flow goes against the constant danger and threats that lurk around every city corner. Night City's streets are anything but orderly, yet the automatic green lights create a false sense of calm that feels disconnected from the overall environment.
Motorcycles in are excellent vehicles for quick escapes, but be careful because motorcycles also have less protection and durability than other vehicles.
Despite being one of the more convenient features in, the automatic green lights fail to reflect the true environment of Night City and the risk-driven nature of its citizens. While it is a minor detail, it certainly falls
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