Nothing on January 30 confirmed the official launch date for the Phone 3a series in India. As earlier suspected, the Nothing Phona 3a will debut on March 4, 2025. Alongside the launch date, Flipkart also confirmed the availability of smartphones on the platform by releasing a dedicated microsite to tease the launch. The lineup is expected to include two smartphones, the Phone 3a and Phone 3a Pro. Therefore, if you have been waiting to get your hands on the new-generation Nothing smartphone, then just in about a month you may get a first look at what's coming.
Also read: Nothing Phone 3a camera system tipped, a Pro model also on the way- All details
During Nothing's Community Quarterly Update video, the company revealed that it would be launching its new generation A-series model, the Phone 3a on March 4 as suspected. As the official launch date has been announced, Flipkart also released a microsite confirming that the Nothing Phone 3a series will be sold on its platform after launch. It is reported that the Phone 3a series will likely come with an upgraded design and new cameras, however, we are yet to know what the company has planned for its new generation models.
Also read: Nothing Phone 3a launch on March 4: Processor, camera, and other features tipped ahead of launch
Leaks suggest that the Nothing Phone 3a will likely be powered by the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 processor. It will come with two storage options 8GB RAM +128GB storage and 12GB RAM and 256GB storage. Whereas, the Pro model may only come in a single storage option of 12GB RAM and 256GB storage. The Phone 3a is expected to feature a 6.8-inch 120Hz FHD+ AMOLED display.
Since the smartphones are likely to get camera upgrades, reports suggest that the Phone 3a may come with a triple camera setup consisting of a 50MP primary camera, a 50MP telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom, and an 8MP ultrawide camera. On the front, it may feature a 32MP selfie camera. Lastly, the smartphone is expected to be backed by a