I used to have ps3 and played only god of war3 and uncharted 3. Now i have both xbox sx and years later finally a ps5. Which games do you recommend me to play? I played god of war 2018 main story was good but idk how to do side missions or reach that locations. Spider man remastered was awesome and miles morales idk i cant say i liked the game's story, missions, side missions or characters. I just loves spider man so thought it'll be good too. Which game should be my next step. (Im from Turkey and sorry for my english.)
Both horizon games are truly epic in my opinion and well worth playing. The last of us is also a masterpiece but if you haven't played the witcher 3 yet I'd strongly recommend that, greatest game of all time. Depending on your personal tastes I could recommend more
Edited on by QualityGeezer
Second the Horizon series. It's just an overall outstanding series that I can't imagine anyone who loves action games won't enjoy it.
Personally, I feel like it's what Monster Hunter games would be if they are open-world with an amazing story told at great pace.
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