During their Season 3 Developer Update livestream, Blizzard stated that some of the overperforming builds of Season 2 will be nerfed by the launch of Season 3. The development team pointed out that the general goal of nerfing these builds is to keep the meta fresh and not push players into playing certain builds over multiple seasons.
Developer Update Livestream Summary
According to Diablo 4's Class Design Lead Adam Jackson, the following classes and builds will be nerfed or bug fixed:
Not only are specific builds being hit, but Rogues taking advantage of the Tibault's Will bug are also getting nerfed — no more 23 Combo Point builds!
As mentioned in the past, Blizzard intends to «swing the nerf bat» only when it's really needed. Powerful, overperforming builds are fun, so the development team tries to respect player choices. However, nerfs will be applied when an overperforming build dominates the meta over multiple seasons: