Datamining indicates that early level 70 was nerfed in MoP Remix yesterday.
Many players have been commenting that once you hit level 70, you feel incredibly weak in MoP Remix. If you head into a dungeon, you'll likely see the lower level players doing infinitely more damage than the higher level players. Seems really backwards doesn't it? Level up… get weaker?
When Blizzard nerfed Frog Farming on Sunday afternoon, it seems they also nerfed the Leveling 70 scaling slightly, and this should also affect mid-high level 60 scaling as well.
Datamining indicates that the scaling of enemies for fresh certain characters — between item levels 237 and 344 — has been nerfed.
What does this mean? Before the hotfix, mobs would have a certain amount of health once you reached item level 237. Now, at item level 237, mobs will have less health and deal less damge, but continue to scale with your item level until item level 344. At this item level, mobs would have the same amount of health/damage as before the hotfix.
This should make it easier for fresh level 70s and people in their 60s to more easily keep up with lower level characters as the mobs will not scale at fast. Unfortunately, this does not impact the higher scaling of the end of the normal raids and players looking to gear up for Heroic raids.