The critically acclaimed and story-driven roguelike is filled with engaging, likable characters like Sisyphus. Players set out to escape the Underworld as Zagreus, Son of Hades, and inevitably come to know and love the many colorful personalities they meet. One of these characters is Sisyphus, a once-king punished for his attempts to cheat death. Sisyphus has been given a boulder to roll eternally up a hill, only for it to roll back down each time.
In the myth, Sisyphus chained Death to cheat Hades, and Ares had to come to Death's aid. Meanwhile, Sisyphus had convinced his wife not to bury him or perform funeral rites. Because of this, Sisyphus was allowed to return from the Underworld to «punish» his wife, but instead, he just stayed and lived to old age once more. contrast to the trickster-king of myth, Sisyphus is a cheerful and helpful man who's never actually seen pushing his boulder.
There are a lot of gods and goddesses in Hades 2. While each one gives valuable Boons, when you have to choose, there are some you should prioritize.
Sisyphus can be found in ' first area, Tartarus, where ' Megaera and the Furies are tasked with tormenting him. A "!" icon marks his chamber. When you enter Sisyphus’ room, you will not have to fight any of the usual monsters in Tartarus, making this room a potentially needed reprieve from the constant onslaught of Hades’ minions. Similar to Charon or other NPCs found across the Underworld, Sisyphus has a gift to offer Zagreus. After interacting with Sisyphus, players can choose between a slight healing boost, Darkness currency, or 100 Obols.
Heal, Darkness, and Obols are not the only rewards Sisyphus can provide, as he will give significantly greater gifts to free him from his seemingly eternal task. If you give Sisyphus the Nectar of the Gods. After receiving the first Nectar, Sisyphus gifts Zagreus his Shattered Shackle. This Keepsake allows your Attack, Special, and Cast to deal +50/75/100 damage when not empowered by a Boon.