Cyberpunk 2077’s You Know My Name is an infiltration quest to find and rescue Songbird. Our contractor is being held hostage by Kurt Hansen, so we’ll sneak into his gala at the Black Diamond in search of Songbird.
Though navigating the underwater tunnels to reach this building isn’t tough at all, covering Reed while he makes his way through bodyguards, surveillance cameras, and mine traps is quite the hustle. Mainly because he’s adamant about staying ultra-sneaky to avoid triggering any enemy iron.
Table of ContentsAfter landing on solid ground, you’ll have two guards to take care of. One is upstairs, while the other roams the larger area downstairs. With a bit of technical ability, the vent door to the right can be opened. This leads you right next to the guard leaning against the rails upstairs.
Once he’s out of the equation, jump down and take care of the second one. Don’t forget to drop his body inside the container nearby.
After a quick convo with Reed, the elevator will be powered back up. Unfortunately, this also means three more guards are on the way. Stay upstairs and wait for them to scatter around the area to take them down stealthily and one at a time.
The potential threats to Reed’s safe passage are surveillance cameras, two guards, and the mine trap. Here’s how to find them: