A new Spider-Man: Freshman Year image reveals the first look at nine villains from the highly-anticipated animated television series. The new Disney+ show will be included in Marvel's growing slate of animated projects alongside Marvel's What If...?, Marvel Zombies, and X-Men '97, a continuation of the original X-Men animated series from 1992. Spider-Man: Freshman Year is set to tell the beginning of Peter Parker's journey as he grows into the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that Queens, NY grows to love.
Originally announced in November 2021, the upcoming Disney+ show was presumed to be a prequel series for Tom Holland's MCU version of the web-slinger. However, new information from this year's San Diego Comic-Con has revealed that the series will not exist within the MCU's canon. It was recently announced that Tom Holland will also not be cast in the show to voice the titular character. However, Daredevil was recently confirmed to be included in the series with Charlie Cox, the character's MCU actor, voicing the role.
Related: MCU Spider-Man Questions His Prequel Show Can Answer
In a recent social media post from Eren|Caboose (@CabooseEK), an image from the Spider-Man: Freshman Year panel at the San Diego Comic-Con reveals nine villains included in the upcoming animated show. Doctor Octopus stands front and center in the rogue's gallery with various Marvel villains such as Chameleon and The Scorpion behind him. Harry Osborn, who takes the mantle of the Green Goblin in the comics, will also be included in the show, although he is not featured in this lineup. Check out the new Spider-Man: Freshman Year image below.
CORRECTION* Spider-Man: Freshman Year isn't canon, in this show Peter's mentor is actually Norman Osborn
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