Marvel's Spider-Man: Freshman Year animated show focused on Peter Parker's origin will include Harry Osborn, Daredevil, and many other Marvel characters. Marvel Studios is building out its animation branch by focusing on Spider-Man's origin story, which has not been shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far. Spider-Man's addition to the MCU has awarded Tom Holland the opportunity to interact with countless Marvel characters in live-action. Iron Man remained a big presence in Peter Parker's life even after his death, while Spider-Man: No Way Home gave him a crossover with Doctor Strange.
Details on Spider-Man: Freshman Year have remained under wraps ever since the project was announced in 2021, including how and if it will connect to the main MCU storyline. Even though the series takes place before any other Spider-Man stories that the MCU has told, there has still been some speculation that familiar and new characters could appear. The MCU debut of Uncle Ben has been a big question hovering over the series, but it also was unclear what types of friends and villains Peter Parker will have in Spider-Man: Freshman Year.
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During Marvel Studios' animation panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2022, it was announced that Spider-Man: Freshman Year will feature a variety of Marvel characters, which includes Harry Osborn's debut and Daredevil, voiced by Charlie Cox, in a black suit. In addition to these characters, Nico Minoru, Amadeus Cho, Unicorn, Chameleon, Scorpion, Speed Demon, Tarantula, Rhino, Doc Ock, Norman Osborn, and Doctor Strange were also confirmed for Spider-Man: Freshman Year.
and Charlie Cox is voicing Daredevil :)
The inclusion of