A new animation created by Marvel Comics is celebrating 60 years of iconic costumes for everyone's favorite Wall-Crawler, Spider-Man. Even the newcomers to the Marvel Universe will recognize the Webhead because he's become more than just a character: he's an icon. The hero has been swinging through comic pages for 60 years now, and it's a landmark that Marvel has been happy to celebrate all year long. From the debut of a new Amazing Spider-Man comic series to an entire Spider-Man exhibit at this year's San Diego Comic-Con called «Beyond Amazing,» Marvel has been recognizing the love for the character that fans have held for decades.
When it comes to why people love Spider-Man so much, there are multiple reasons given by fans. Some say it's the fact that he's Marvel's most relatable hero as he's more grounded to the average person than heroes like Iron Man and the Hulk. Others might say it's his massive rogues' gallery of villains who are just as interesting as the hero they fight. There are many reasons out there that have made Spider-Man a timeless character who still continues to be relevant today. However, the ever-changing designs of Spider-Man's costumes have also kept the character fresh over the years, providing countless new stories regarding what they can do.
Related: Marvel Artist Celebrate's Spider-Man's Larger Than Life 60th Anniversary
Recently Marvel unveiled a new animation on its Twitter account that showcases 60 years of costumes that the Webhead has worn. This video contains countless stills of comics over the years as well as stunning animation when Spidey wants to show some of them off. Some of the outfits shown include the very first costume from Spidey's debut comic, Amazing Fantasy #15, with his
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