Marvel Studios shares new details about Spider-Man: Freshman Year at San Diego Comic-Con 2022. As part of Spider-Man's massive role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the exploration of his origin story through an animated Disney+ series was announced in 2021. Spider-Man: Freshman Year is part of Marvel Studios' growing slate of animated content, which includes Marvel's What If...? season 2, Marvel Zombies, and X-Men '97. Although the series comes from Marvel Studios, it has been reported thatTom Holland will not voice Spider-Man: Freshman Year's Peter Parker.
In the time since the animated Spider-Man show was announced, details about the series have been a bit more difficult to come by. It was originally indicated that the show was set in the main MCU timeline, meaning it would take place before Captain America: Civil War and detail Peter Parker's unseen MCU origin. This created plenty of intrigue about what Spider-Man: Freshman Year will contain and what types of adventures he will be involved in.
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After keeping details about the series mostly under wraps, Marvel Studios shared the first look at Spider-Man: Freshman Year during San Diego Comic-Con. This included showing the art style for the series and Peter Parker's new homemade suit for Spider-Man: Freshman Year. The suit design incorporates a blue Spider-Man jersey and what seems to be a different prototype for his web-fluid dispensers. The Spider-Man: Freshman Year art is also reminiscent of Steve Ditko's comic art.
This new homemade suit for Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Freshman Year is one of several new suits that he will wear during the animated series. There were five other alternate Spider-Man suits