Pizzamorg wrote:
But then I pushed further still, and I think that Rise of the Ronin actually has a lot going for itself, but it sorta doesn't make its own qualities obvious in those opening hours, so you kinda have to commit to it.
. I will admit I thought the combat felt awful to begin with, and hours later I still think the parry is terribly tuned, but you will eventually find a weapon and weapon style that clicks for you, and you'll really start to see how fun the combat here can be.
I didn't compare it to GoT as many have so wasn't put off by the early learning curve and as you say as you push on and gain more combat styles and weapons you find what works best for you.
I also haven't really seen people talk about how much of an RPG this is, with a story and cast of characters full of choices to be made.
I also am someone who loves a character creator and a fashion game in an RPG, and while I don't love how I feel like I am always drowning in trash loot,
I particularly like having the ability to switch characters when in big fights allowing you to get out of sticky situations.
I am loving the story side of things there is loads to do and lots to find i can see me spending many hours on this game.
This is a very good guide for those starting out -
Edited on by Max_Headroom
Ah yeah @Max_Headroom that is a cool shout too, facing the bosses feels less daunting because you basically have three lives, thanks to the character swap mechanic. It is a really interesting way to address difficulty.
Poor Gonzo. He had done a bad thing. I gave him a chance to change his ways and let him go. The charming Ronin Ryoma optimistically agreed that he may have a change of heart. Later in my travels, our paths would meet again. Things didn’t look good. Choices had to be made. He begged for another chance but mercy was in short supply that day. Who knows what could have been? Poor Gonzo.
27 hours in and just started Chapter 2.
Holy smokes does the story heat up when you