While the recently-released trailer for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater revealed that the title will feature the return of Snake vs Monkey, this will be exclusive to the PS5 and PC release. A version of the trailer uploaded on Konami’s own YouTube channel reveals that Snake vs Monkey will instead be replaced with a Snake vs Bomberman mode on the Xbox Series X/S version. Check out the trailer below.
While most of the trailer features the same footage we’ve seen before, including various members of the Cobra Unit and even the Shagohod and primary antagonist Volgin, it ends with the words “Snake vs ???” against a silhouette of Bomberman. Xbox Series X/S players will feature the new game mode, while PC players will get access to Snake vs Monkey.
“The special game ‘Snake vs Monkey’ to capture the Pipo Monkeys is back for PS5 and Steam,” Konami posted in the description for the Xbox version of the trailer. “A different special game will be implemented for the Xbox version! Please wait for further details.”
As the trailer revealed, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will be coming to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S on August 28. Interestingly, the trailer was leaked earlier this month, well before it would be shown officially during Sony’s State of Play event earlier this week. Among the things we got to see in the trailer are returning fan-favourite boss encounters, including The End.
Konami has also recently updated the Steam store listing for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, revealing the minimum and recommended PC specs for playing the game. At bare minimum, PC players will need either an Intel i5 8600 or AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU, and an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Super GPU, along with 16 GB of RAM. Check out our coverage of the required specs for more details.
Various editions of the game were also detailed by Konami; there are four editions of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater available for pre-order, with two each being for physical and digital copies. Check out the
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