Like all the dungeons in , Sundered Doctrine holds many secrets, including a few secret reward chests for those who know where to look. These hidden chests are commonplace in end-game content, and any player who's raided or played a dungeon before knows to keep an eye out for puzzles, doorways, and other nooks and crannies that seem out of place. Often, a keen eye will see players rewarded with another loot drop, a special piece of lore regarding their location, or even a piece towards a new exotic catalyst.
Sundered Doctrine has two secret chests, and like all dungeon/raid secret chests, they can only drop loot from the dungeon/raid that the player has already collected. This means if you've only done one encounter and you get gloves when you head to a secret chest, you'll get gloves no matter what, like I did. Repeated drops are annoying when you're looking for god rolls of the new dungeon weapons, but like all dungeons, you have to have some patience to get the reward you're looking for.
After the first encounter, you'll head further into the Pyramid by following the steps downward and dropping down off either side of the stairs. Follow the path until you drop down into a no-light zone; this is the maze.
Though Destiny 2 is at one of its lowest points, Bungie has once again delivered a high-quality product that shows where the franchise is heading.
Now that you're in the maze, you're looking for three Darkness shards, which you'll need to break in order to spawn the secret chest. The shards are in the following locations, starting from where you drop into the maze:
Once you've found and broken all three Darkness shards, the secret chest should appear back in that main hall opposite the yellow square. It can be found by returning to said hall from shard three and looking left. Now that you've picked up the first secret chest, head forward to the second encounter by going back towards the yellow square, taking the rock-filled hallway where shard two was. Instead of