The franchise has followed Kratos’ story for years, starting from his glory days as a Spartan to his Norse battles at Ragnarok. Kratos is an angry protagonist who has become a beloved character through his series of adventures. Along the way, he has said some of the most unforgettable lines that stay with players long after they’ve put their controllers down.
The games are known for their brilliant storytelling and well-written characters, which are best seen through the protagonist’s story. Kratos’ violent past, unfair treatment from the gods, and efforts to change his son’s future are masterfully woven together with reimagined Greek and Norse mythologies. Some of his best quotes showcase the depth of these narratives.
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One of the most profound quotes in the series is said just a few minutes into the events of when Kratos gets into an epic fight with his father Zeus on Mount Olympus. His father doesn’t believe he’s worthy of being considered the god of war, and he gives Kratos one last chance to respect the gods and join their pantheon.
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After years of servitude to the cruel gods, Kratos is not about to change his mind. With blood coming out of his mouth and the Sword of Olympus buried deep in his abdomen, he mocks his father in his last moments. He has learned from experience that a choice from the gods is just an illusion, making inferior beings feel like they have control.
In, players are shown a flashback that features Kratos and his brother Deimos training to become Spartans as kids. It reminds fans of just how difficult life has always been for the protagonist, especially when he learns the hard