There are a few types of puzzles in , but you can only solve the brazier puzzle on the Rivain Coast with the help of our good friend Taash. The fire-breathing Qunari allows you to light these braziers, but that's not all you need to solve this puzzle. If you're anything like me, this puzzle has you stumped; the braziers aren't on a timer, nor is there any indication as to which one you should light when.
Plenty of the puzzles in have to be solved hint-less, but this was one of the most frustrating for me. Maybe how far apart the braziers were made it a pain to run from one to another. Or maybe it was just that I could not find a single clue as to how this should be solved. Either way, I figured it out and could pick up the rewards for my hard work.
The first brazier puzzle you're going to run into is in the Cliffside region of the Rivain Coast, south of the Eluvian and west of the Gray Warden Vault. You'll find your way into this area during the "" questline, or earlier if you enjoy exploring like I do. You're going to need to have recruited Taash already, as their fire is the only thing that can light these braziers.
If you light a brazier out of order, it and the others you previously lit will fizzle out, requiring you to start again.
Once you reach the area, you'll need to light the braziers to complete the puzzle. The first is the one to the east, up on the small cliff ledge, the second can be found to the north by the waterfall, then the third is down by the Beacon. Once you light the third brazier, you'll access a hidden cave containing a chest and some pickups. There's not too much to it, but no indications tell you which brazier to light first, so this one is annoying.
There will come a point in your playthrough in which you can no longer explore the Rivain Coast, as passages to unexplored locations will either be sealed off or unavailable. The Tide Flats is one of those locations you can only reach in the later parts of 's Act 2. Once you do make your way