Team Ninja's Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty revolves around the Three Kingdoms era of the Later Han Dynasty in Ancient China. The game is the successor to the Nioh series, one of the most acclaimed titles during its release.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was 2019's Game of the Year by FromSoftware and CEO Hidetaka Miyazaki. It was the first title to introduce bespoke fighting mechanics in the Soulslike genre. The game had high expectations, which it surpassed.
This article will compare these Soulslike titles, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has a variety of huge bosses, but most of them tend to give opportunities to attack with every perfect deflection. These enemies usually take a slight pause after attacks.
The game also allows up to two companions during battle who are decently powerful to change the course of the fight.
The bosses of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice come in different shapes and sizes. The course of the fight goes on at an extremely fast pace which makes it difficult to perform counterattacks on them. It takes a lot of effort and perfection to overcome the problems. But to make proceedings more frustrating, bosses perform imperious stances and moves that can only be dodged.
Sekiro provides a better challenge to players compared to the semi-forgiving nature of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty contains a lot of different combat mechanics. It has a spirit bar system that gathers spirit with every perfect action, but loses it with every miss.
Once the meter is filled, players can inflict critical damage. But it does not end there. It also has Wizardly Skills that players can use to perform magic and Martial Arts to enhance their weapon power.
Sekiro: Shadows Die