There are many different reasons why you might need help with today’s puzzle. There are an interesting mix of words, and it is an intimidating puzzle when you first open it up. Notably, almost every single word is a noun and only a noun, and, when there is no other grammar form included in a puzzle, it can make it harder to figure out as you cannot eliminate words with that information.
If you want to try out a new puzzle, you can look at the NYT’s puzzle as a perfectly acceptable alternative. You will need all of the expanded vocabulary words you learned in to make words out of the letters in this puzzle. You will get a set of letters in honeycombs that you can use to make all of the words you can think of, but with the caveat that you must use the center letter in every word you make. It is a fun challenge, as well as being very nice to look at.
If you came looking for some hints, we have come up with one for each category name. Today’s puzzle has a variety of categories, and while there are a couple of easier ones, some of them are a bit harder, particularly if you don’t spend a lot of time in a certain aisle at the grocery store. There are, however, ways to get around the traps laid out for you with a little bit of help.
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
If those hints are not enough, there are more spoilers available for you to get you on the right track. First up are the category names in the box below:
«FREE ____»
I actually did not get this categoryuntil I had solved two others. That was mainly down to the fact that I had SHELTER, HAVEN, and RETREAT all together but couldn’t figure out what the fourth word likely was. PORT was added in later after I had eliminated it from a couple of other categories, but to me, a PORT is not necessarily a sanctuary in the same way that