Believe it or not, more than half of players have never actually finished an entire game, according to the developers for. This is likely due to the endgame slog that will inevitably occur, slowing players down to a crawl as they painstakingly maneuver units and build city districts or wonders. Unfortunately, by the late stages of any match, there are simply so many things going on that it becomes overwhelming or uninteresting.
Enter the mod community, to help players get over that late game hump with some much-needed mods chock-full of gameplay improvements, UI tweaks, overall game balance, and more. If both experienced and new players haven't tried any community mods, these might be just the thing they've been missing, and will make finishing a game much more feasible.
The Detailed Map Tacks mod (this and all subsequent mod links below are via Steam) is an absolute essential for anyone tired of trying to calculate adjacency bonuses for districts and improvements — which is probably everyone. This mod allows the placement of Map Tacks that players can place on tiles ahead of time to figure out the highest bonuses for each district or improvement, making city planning enjoyable as opposed to what can sometimes feel like a guessing game.
Mods for can be accessed via the Steam Community Workshop, where players can subscribe to each mod and enable/disable it from the in-game menu.
There's a reason this is one of the highest-rated community mods out there, and it's because playing without Map Tacks will start to feel like a massive leap backward. Map Tacks are major time-savers because players can plan their ideal setup one time and not have to rethink things again after every turn, also allowing players to step away without forgetting their intended strategy.
The Brave New World & Infinity Pinnacle mods are part of the Golden Age mod set and will give players an entirely new experience playing they never before thought possible. These mods introduce a massive number of