It is that time of year when everyone starts crafting their GOTY lists, cramming all the best RPGs, beloved indies, and surprisingly good AAAs into a top ten list. I'm prone to doing this every year, although often my lists are so long they're barely worth mentioning. 2024 was no different, as my top 10 best games of the year list ended up looking like a top 100 before I eventually gave up.
However, while coming up with my list and finding a place for the year's official GOTY winner, there was always one game that came out on top. No matter how many times I shuffled and reshuffled it, remembering games I'd left out or experiences that shot one game from the fiftieth spot to number five, this RPG sat at the top. Surprisingly, I've not seen it mentioned in anyone else's GOTY list, which got me thinking about both its unrecognized excellence and how it's illustrative of 2024's overall quality of games.
I didn't have particularly high expectations for 2024 when it came to gaming. Not only were the mass industry layoffs and unexpected studio closures early on in the year a bad omen for what was to come, but 2023 had delivered such a landmark year for gaming that it never occurred to me that 2024 could match it, never mind beat it. However, I was swiftly proven wrong by a plethora of games launching within the first half of the year, including one of my all-time favorite games everyone forgot.
2024 went on to deliver not just great games, but industry-defining experiences, the likes of which players had never seen before. JRPGs made an unexpected comeback, with players absolutely blowing my mind by gravitating towards Atlus' latest effort, the critically acclaimed yet nevertheless seemingly niche . FromSoftware proved that it's both one of the greatest and most generous developers around with the launch of, and indies continued to blow everything out of the water with their sheer ambition, range, and ingenuity.
There are so many amazing games coming out for Xbox Series