One key part of is a little lacking, particularly in comparison to some of the classic Harry Potter tie-in games. While those games are now much older and a little buggy at times, they had something that was more closely tied to the source material that is not seen as much in . It does exist in the newer game, but not to the same extent and this could all be fixed in the sequel.
While not much is known about the sequel for , it does sound as if the game is in development. There is plenty of time to speculate about what it could be like in the meantime, and fans have taken to doing just that. The first game got a lot of things right, with a beautiful world to explore, the ability to run your own shop, and access to the Room of Requirement to do a bit of decorating and caring for magical Creatures. That said, there is still one thing the sequel could give us that would be even better.
The big thing that’s missing from is a proper school day. At the very beginning of the game, the protagonist does have to go to a class in Hogwarts where they catch onto certain spells very quickly. However, the rest of the day consisted of going to Hogsmeade and fighting a Troll. After that, there are very occasional quests for the protagonist to attend a class, and the later in the game it is, the less time they spend in the physical school at all as they venture further and further south.
While Hogwarts Legacy is a primarily self-contained experience, its sequel has the perfect chance to bring book characters to life for the first time.
Comparatively, the books and some of the movies follow Harry and friends as they go from class to class. It’s one of the most interesting parts of the books, as the reader gets to learn what it would be like to go to magic school. Instead of English and Biology, Hogwarts students get to learn about Charms and Potions. It’s one of the things that often intrigues fans the most, but one that does not seem to dwell on.
While there were plenty of other