If you're a Pokemon fan, and you frequent the subreddit for the series, chances are you'll be familiar with Reddit user TB_Mumpitz. Over the past half a year, this person has been fusing together every single Pokemon from the Kanto Pokedex (including Missing No.) into one enormous abomination, taking the most voted for Pokemon each day and the most popular method of fusing it to the monstrosity in question.
It was an ongoing community project, one that saw many different people contribute, but it finally came to an end earlier this week after Charizard's wings were finally grafted onto the poor creature. What we've ended up with is a very cursed, hydra-esque being with many faces and appendages, with the body of an Arcanine and the tail of an Onix, with a variety of different bits and pieces glued on for good measure.
You can see a video of the creature embedded below, which some have taken to calling "Kantolord", and it can be a fun game to pick a random Pokemon from the original Pokedex and try to find it represented on the beast.
One of my personal favorite features has to be the Gastly right at the top of the creature, which has had the bill of a Psyduck and the mane of a Pidgeot attached to it to make it look like Daffy Duck going through a midlife crisis. The Weepinbell with a Pikachu stuffed in its mouth to the left of the Gastly is a close second.
Now that the project is over TB_Mumpitz already has other Pokemon fans asking for them to start the project over again with other generations, but they explain in the replies they don't feel comfortable doing so as it would "take too much time". However they do explain that they're going to produce some more Pokemon art after a break, but "something different to challenge myself".
They're also working on a YouTube video about the project which they're going to upload to their YouTube channel in the near future, and also release the model publicly once they figure out how so Pokemon fans can do whatever they like
Read more on thegamer.com