Welcome back to Just Fun Tech, our column dedicated to the wider world of just plain fun technology. Today, we’re diving back into the second half of our outdoor tech series with the Veloctric T1 ST, a lightweight e-bike that can speed you up to 25 MPH, but only if you pedal along! It was a blast to get outside and away from the PC with. Join us as we explore just how much fun an e-bike can be.
Current Price: $1,299 ( Velotric )
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Here at MMORPG, we often get requests to review products that fall outside of our scope. Beauty products, clothes driers, couches, thermal cameras… the works. Most of the time, these are just not a good fit, but every now and again, we get a request for something that looks genuinely fun and interesting. We believe that though it is PC gaming that draws us together, our audience is interested in fun and exciting technology. Rather than let those opportunities pass, we decided to share them with you as part of this special series.
With many of these products, we don’t claim to be the expert authority. Instead, we approach them from the newcomer’s perspective with two core questions: Are they fun and do they bring joy that enhances your life? Just Cool Tech is about highlighting and exploring these products.
This feature is the second half of our JFT series on e-vehicles we began with the Ninebot F2 Pro. Both of these were originally planned as part of a summer fun series, but with global shipping being what it is, we missed that season. Still, Velotric Thunder T1 ST is a great example of the fun and practical life enhancement these personal EVs can be.
The Velotric T1 ST surprised me almost right away. It arrived in a thin, bicycle-sized box, almost completely assembled. Having
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