Frog Detective, a beloved series of indie adventure games, was announced for PS5 and PS4 a little earlier in the year. In a collection called Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery, all three games are heading to consoles. Now, in a new trailer, the release date is upon us, and it's coming very soon indeed.
The collection is leapfrogging onto Sony's systems on 26th October, 2023, so it's right around the corner. As mentioned, it comprises all three short-but-sweet Frog Detective titles, which have collectively attracted half a million players on PC. As well as the trilogy of mystery adventures, The Entire Mystery will also have a console-exclusive minigame named Frog Detective Scooter. This is a Tony Hawk-inspired arcade game in which you explore a skatepark and pull off tricks on a scooter.
Having heard such good things about this silly collection of games, we're excited to check it out. But what do you think? Hop into the comments section below.
Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed an eclectic taste in video games and a wide knowledge of the medium, from small indie gems to the biggest AAA blockbusters. Ever hopeful that the Burnout series makes a miraculous return.
Yesss finally!
@Voltan been looking forward to this since it was announced ,also on game pass day one
@Martsmall Makes sense. I avoid gaming on PC and don't have an Xbox so I hope the price will be reasonable on PS5.
@Voltan same here only the few games I'll play on pc I prefer console to be honest