As a story-driven RPG, has no shortage of quests in which the player character must make choices that impact its main story, and the side job "" is one such example. In it, V has to decide whether to side with Denny or Henry, a decision that determines who plays in a Samurai reunion show. Although the quest doesn't have any major repercussions on 's multiple endings, this can still feel like a difficult choice to make. Denny and Henry both have unique character traits, and their own reasons for why they deserve to be at the reunion.
The name of this job, " ," is named after former Samurai member Kerry Eurodyne's solo album, which he released after Samurai's breakup.
"," though relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things, is part of Johnny Silverhand's quest line, and features characters that are closely tied to his rockerboy past. For that reason, it may be worth researching potential outcomes for this gig before making a final decision. Here's all the background and potential consequences of different choices in: "."
The characters involved in "" depend on how V resolved the main quest "," in which they help Jackie retrieve a Militech robot from members of the Maelstrom gang. If things ended peacefully, they'll be greeted by Dum Dum, one of Royce's underlings, when they arrive at Totentanz. If they killed both Dum Dum and Royce, another Maelstrom member, Patricia, appears. Depending on whether they helped Brick, either he or Patricia will be the new leader of Maelstrom. This doesn't have much impact on the quest; it's just demonstrating the consequences of the player's actions.
Ultimately, Henry is the better choice in 's "" After V arrives at Denny's house, he finds her and Henry in a shouting match by the pool — which Henry has filled with cement. V listens to biased arguments from both of them: Henry is willing to play with Denny, but Denny worries that Henry's erratic behavior will ruin the gig. However, Henry emphasizes that Kerry already promised him