Few gaming stories are as compelling as the symbiotic relationship between MMORPGs and their community. KingsIsle Entertainment, the team behind the long-running MMORPGs Wizard101 and Pirate101 stands out specifically as a testament to this phenomenon. While several games have been around for multiple decades at this point, KingsIsle has found far more than just a player base, but they have evolved their community and their game itself into a breeding ground for talent, shaping the future of both the game and the company.
Now that Wizard101’s latest update Wallaru has gone live, I took a look back at my visit to the KingsIsle office and the team that worked to put this update through its paces ahead of release. At the heart of this narrative are stories from individuals like Mia Smith and Mercedes Fuller, whose journeys from passionate players to integral members of the KingsIsle team encapsulate not just the power of the game’s community, but the emotions this game evokes.
As Wallaru was still under development during my visit, I sat around a table full of developers, all of which were once community members, that sparked their passion for creating games through playing Wizard101. Mia Smith, an associate character artist at KingsIsle, explained the profound impact Wizard has on its players. Her journey with the game began at age of 10. It was more than a pastime; it was a gateway into the world of art. Mia's involvement led her to discover her passion for painting and digital art.
Her work can be seen throughout Wallaru, especially in one of the most recognizable characters of the update, Riley, who was one of Mia’s creations before she was hired on. As I sat around the table, her story sounded unique, but so many others
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