The producers behind the long-running Pokemon anime series have weighed in on the possibility of original protagonist Ash Ketchum returning to the show. Right around the time that Pokemon Red and Blue were taking the gaming world by storm, young TV viewers were introduced to Ash, an energetic 10-year-old boy with a dream of becoming the world’s greatest Pokemon master. Alongside his faithful Pokemon partner Pikachu, Ash traveled far and wide to challenge other trainers, build a growing collection of Pokemon allies, and stay one step ahead of the villainous Team Rocket on a quest that spanned 25 seasons and multiple Pokemon game generations.
All good things must come to an end, and Ash eventually stepped away from his leading role after finally winning a Pokemon League. This didn’t spell the end of the Pokemon anime though, as a new series was launched later that year titled Pokemon Horizons. Based on the recent Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games, Horizon shifts the spotlight toward a new pair of protagonists: Liko, a student from the Paldea region who is embarking on a journey alongside her Pokemon partner Sprigatito, and Roy, who hails from an island near Ash’s home region of Kanto and battles with the help of the fiery starter Pokemon Fuecoco.
Andy Gose, the senior director of media production at The Pokemon Company International, and Taito Okiura, vice president of marketing, recently sat down with Variety to discuss the challenges of ending Ash’s story and introducing a new pair of young heroes to carry the Pokemon anime forward. When asked if Ash would ever return to the show, Gose stated that Ash is still active in the world of Pokemon, and that anything is possible. Meanwhile, Okiura added that while his team is focused on the adventures of Liko and Roy, fans are free to make their own ideas about what Ash and Pikachu are up to.
Earlier in the interview, Andy Gose and Taito Okiura discussed the decision to leave Ash and his friends behind, saying that it was time