A young girl and her loyal friend embark on a rescue mission through a colorful world full of cold machines and unfamiliar creatures. From Thunderful Publishing comes an epic sci-fi saga that stretches across centuries and galaxies. Players will find themselves on a planet that used to be a place of undisturbed balance between human, nature and animal — but has now becomes something else entirely. The disharmony that had been in the making for hundreds of years has finally arrived in the form of a faceless army. But developer Wishfully reminds us that this is not a story about war. This is a story about a vibrant planet and the journey to keep it that way.
Featuring unique companion-based gameplay and diverse challenges with quirky twists, players must carefully navigate dangerous situations using stealth and wit. Use reflexes and survive challenging actions sequences to discover an off-Earth odyssey. Planet of Lana will release on May 23 for Xbox and PC.
Explore Planet of Lana with the official release date trailer below:
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