As a part of the April 23rd Patch Notes, Blizzard stated that Seal of Martyrdom will now be able to «twist» with other seals such as Seal of Command. Seal Twisting seems to be making a reappearance as a part of the extensive feedback that Season of Discovery developers have been receiving over the last several weeks.
Seal of Martyrdom can now «twist» with other seals, including Seal of Command.
- Developers' notes: Seal «twisting» was an interesting emergent effect that became popular during the original Burning Crusade, that utilized the slower server messaging system used in early versions of WoW to slightly extend the duration of the Paladin's active seal for a short time whenever a second seal was cast. This effectively allowed paladins to momentarily gain the benefit of two seals at once if they timed the application of a new seal to line up perfectly just before their weapon swing. This is something we would have considered a bug at the time, but for many players, it became a popular feature of the class, allowing skilled players to increase their output with precision gameplay.
We recreated this playstyle in Burning Crusade Classic and since then it's been a popular request in other versions of original WoW, including Season of Discovery. We had concerns about allowing Seal of Martyrdom and Seal of Command specifically to be twisted together in Season of Discovery for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the playstyle is highly mana inefficient, it largely requires addons such as a weapon swing timer to function properly, and twisting can be unintuitive for less experienced players. As the game matures and we continue to listen to player feedback however, we recognize that for some, this is part of the charm and uniqueness of playing a paladin during those early eras of WoW's history. We consider this change to be experimental and we will watch the performance and behavior of Retribution closely after this change. Should it prove problematic, we