Oppo recently launched the F25 Pro 5G smartphone on February 2024. The smartphone was introduced in the mid-range segment with some upgraded features and specifications. Now, the company has launched a new Coral Purple colour variant for the Oppo F25 Pro 5G. Previously, the smartphone was announced in two colour variants, Lava Red and Ocean Blue. Now, the addition of a new colour will allow users to have more options to choose from. Know what the new Oppo F25 Pro 5G Coral Purple variant has in store for users.
Oppo F25 Pro 5G has a new addition with the Coral Purple variant which is inspired by the purple corals found in the depths of the ocean. This colour variant comes with a lilac hue which was achieved with the help of Glow Finish technology. According to Oppo, the new technology elevates the soft visual experience and tones of the device. The new colour variant also comes with a dual-layer design which was curated with the help of the Magnetic Particle process. The first layer showcases coral reefs and hints of mist and clouds, whereas the second layer provides the device with a diamond texture due to UV DTF (Direct-to-Film) technology.
Also read: Oppo F25 Pro alternatives
The Oppo F25 Pro 5G with Coral Purple variant is available to order on OPPO Store, Flipkart, and Amazon. Additionally, the smartphone will be also available at your nearest retail outlets at a starting price of Rs.23999. Oppo is also offering an exciting Rs.2000 cashback on leading banks. It is also offering no-cost EMI option for up to 6 months on several leading brands.
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The Oppo F25 Pro 5G comes with several AI features such as AI Smart Image Matting, AI beautification, AI Noise reduction, and more. For photography, the smartphone features a 64MP triple-camera system. The device is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor and a 5000mAh battery.
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