For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the Create-A-Class system is receiving some reworks to make it stand out from previous iterations. These are now being referred to as loadouts. It’s going to be slightly more complicated than what many fans have seen in previous games, and these changes make it easier to customize your favorite loadouts.
A small taste of the upcoming Create-A-Class system was featured during Call of Duty Next, an inside look into the many features coming to Modern Warfare 3. We’re going to break down those early features and how everything is changing for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
Table of ContentsThe Create-A-Class system is returning to a Loadout system in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. You’ll have an iconic breakdown of everything that you want on that particular loadout, from the weapons they’re using to the special equipment that you can use to complement it, and down to the armor your character wears, such as their boots, gloves, kneepads, and the silencers they give their weapon. The boots, gloves, and kneepads are the new, specialized perks that your character can use during their matches, which signify a different appearance for your Modern Warfare 3 character.
How these perks work with the various item slots will likely vary in name. For example, during the Call of Duty Next stream, we saw how the gloves a player was using were called quick-grip gloves. How these function compared to the previous perks will vary, along with all the perks expected to make it into the final version of Modern Warfare 3. These