Monster Hunter Now currently has two ranged weapons: the Bow and the Light Bowgun. Think of these like how the Great Sword is to the Sword & Shield. While both the Bow and Light Bowgun offer increased distance, the Bow is a slower weapon with a higher damage output while the Light Bowgun attacks rapidly with less damage.
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There are 9 Light Bowguns available for you to forge, upgrade, and overgrade. Light Bowguns become available when you complete Chapter 2 of the story quests. This should be around Hunter Rank 15 for most players.
In addition to the Metal Weapon Set, eight monsters unlock a Bowgun with their sets: Great Jagras, Barroth, Tobi-Kadachi, Paolumu, Anjanath, Legiana, Jyuratodus, and Rathalos.
All Light Bowguns have at least two types of ammo: a normal ammo and a special ammo. You will automatically switch between these two in combat, typically when you need to reload. Light Bowguns are the only weapon so far that have a reload time. This leaves you completely vulnerable to attacks, especially since you can’t attack until your bowgun is completely reloaded.
Every Light Bowgun has a Special Skill: Wyvernblast Counter. This fires a powerful bullet that, upon hit, causes a large explosion. As the name suggests, this is best used to knock flying monsters out of the sky. However, you can absolutely use the Light Bowgun for fighting monsters on the ground.
Additionally, all Light Bowguns have one Equipment Skill that directly helps you in combat. Unlike their slower counterparts, Light Bowguns do not have charged attacks. However, holding down on your screen instead of continually tapping it