Unlocked after completing Chapter 2 of Monster Hunter Now, the Bow specializes in mid-range charged attacks. Unlike most other weapons with charging mechanics, you can dodge and still maintain your charge. However, after completing your dodge, you will automatically fire your arrow at its current charge level.
Monster Hunter Now: Sword & Shield Guide | Monster Hunter Now: Hammer Guide | Monster Hunter Now: Light Bowgun Guide
Currently, there are 10 Bows in the game. Bows are included in the Monster Weapon Sets for the Kulu-Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei, Tobi-Kadachi, Jyuratodus, Rathian, Legiana, Diablos, and Rathalos.
Like the Light Bowgun, you will see crosshairs on your screen when using the Bow. If you have Lock On available through your melee weapons, that button will change into one reading Reset Aim. The game will lock onto monsters for you, but you can reset this whenever it decides to focus on empty space.
If you’re not close enough to hit a monster, the text “Out of Range” will flash in a red box over your crosshairs. Basically, get closer to the monster.
Bows can charge up to four times, with each charge level dealing more damage and gaining different effects. Your crosshairs and Bow will glow with each charge level. When fully charged, the Bow will glow red. The first level is your standard shot – it’s what you perform if you tap the screen quickly. Depending on the Bow, you will either fire one arrow quickly or release a three-arrow spread. All arrows do low damage.
With additional charges, some Bows will deal elemental damage in addition to their regular damage, or fire more arrows with each dealing more damage than before. Again, you can perform a Charge Step which activates when you dodge while in the charging
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