Developer Rebel Wolves recently held a Q&A session on its official Discord channel for its upcoming title The Blood of Dawnwalker. During this Q&A (courtesy of Mp1st), the studio has revealed a host of new details about the game, one of which is the fact that magic in the game will be generally less flashy than what players typically see in fantasy RPGs.
“Our magic is less flashy than that used in pure fantasy settings, and quite rare,” said the studio. “It revolves around the occult — rituals, amulets, relics, and summonings, rather than fireballs or lightning bolts.”
This likely means that, not only will players not be seeing magic used all over the place in The Blood of Dawnwalker, the few times they do get to see it, effects of these magic spells will likely be much more subdued, and perhaps even subtle. Rather than fireballs, we might see magic being used to subtly manipulate someone, for example.
While the studio hasn’t offered up any more details about the magic system in The Blood of Dawnwalker, it has revealed in the same Q&A that the upcoming RPG will feature a non-linear story, where choices made by players will tend to make for different gameplay experiences than other players. The studio has described the game as a narrative sandbox, rather than a linear title with a fixed story.
“The story is totally nonlinear, it’s what we call “a narrative sandbox”,” said the studio. “Each playthrough will be different, as the world changes based on your choices – not only direct ones, but also indirect. Your actions (or inactions) will matter too.”
By calling the game a narrative sandbox, the studio means that players will be making their own choices throughout the story, allowing players a high degree of agency over the direction the story takes. The game will also have many different ways to accomplish objectives, depending on players’ choices.
The studio also recently revealed that the game will be balanced in a way that protagonist Coen will never feel