Secret societies control all aspects of college in . Members aren’t incredibly hidden, as all wear their llama logo in public. However, just because they can be seen doesn’t mean you can be invited. Instead, you must befriend several recruiters and then undergo an initiation ceremony. But, afterwards, there are plenty of rewards that can assist with graduating and even beyond into a future career.
Since colleges are part of, all aspects are fairly disconnected from the main neighborhood hubs. Joining a secret society is mostly suited to single young adults who are only recently out of high school, like some of the returning Sims from . If your storyline is currently focused on parenting or children, then there is probably not enough time for higher education. Likewise, playing as mainly older Sims will have little time to actually enjoy the benefits of being in a secret society.
Each of the three universities has a unique secret society behind the scenes. At a minimum, your Sim should be a student at the target campus in. You then need to hunt down at least three existing members and become friends with them. If it is taking too long to become friends, consider usingrelationship cheats in . Society recruiters wear a black blazer with a llama icon near the upper left lapel when out on public lots. However, when met in private, they might also wear normal clothes, making it possible a friend of a friend is already a member.
Initial Members
Landgraab Society
Sim State University
Least likely to wear their blazers
Volauvent Society
Academie Le Tour
Half of all members wear blazers
LFT Society
La Fiesta Tech
Some members always wear blazers, no matter the situation.
Once a Sim has befriended enough recruiters, head back to your dorm or other college housing in. At 23:00, a police NPC will arrive dressed in the same secret society uniform. They will arrest the initiated Sim and escort them to the hidden headquarters lot, though this can