In , you'll find that friendships, romances, and starting a family are quite different from later games in the series. This makes it difficult to tell when you can select romantic interactions without being rejected and causing your Sims to lose points in their relationship. However, there are ways to tell when you should try romantic interactions and general guidelines for how the relationship between Sims can be improved.
Since includes the Pack, Sims have two relationship bars under the portraits of the Sims they know in their relationship tab. The top bar is the daily relationship, and the bottom bar is the lifetime relationship. Both bars affect which interactions the Sim will accept and how that Sim feels towards the selected Sim.
Once Sims have any time of relationship, the lifetime relationship bar increases just from Sims existing on the same lot for a period of time, even if they don't interact while on that lot, but increases in the daily relationship require friendly interactions. Unfortunately, increases in the lifetime relationship bar can result in a drop of a point or two in the daily relationship bar. Once the daily relationship bar is at 70, a romantic interaction results in a crush if successful, but if thelifetime relationship is at 70, that interaction results in love.
's expansions include packs that emphasize relationships, but doesn't have that. So, if Sims already live together, they can't get married because the game views them as being in the same family through being in the same household. Otherwise, a Sim can propose only on their own lot once they have a high relationship with the intended Sim. However, the Sim might refuse the proposal if their mood is too low.
The Sims 1 and 2 have been re-released to the delight of many long-time fans but frequent crashes are stopping some from buying the games.
Having a baby in theOriginal is quite different compared to other games, as you won't see the standard «Try for Baby» option that's in later