fans seem to be divided after one player brought up tanks playing «too timid» while pushing the enemy team. Vanguards in are there to create space and push the enemy team back in order to hold points or push their payload forward with the help of their Duelists and Strategists. The issue becomes knowing when to push and fight, and when to fall back due to lack of heals or too much damage being done at one time.
Reddit user SquiblyMcDuck posts, They go on to state that during their matches, tanks will take a few hits and begin to back up, which ends up leaving their own team open and vulnerable for another tank to lead the opposition into their backline.
The post goes on to respond to some of the comments they received since they initially posted the issue,many of which claimed that pushing was not an option, and technically they're right. The OG poster mentions,
«the way these OW-type games work is two teams clash in a head-on struggle, its a struggle to see which team can outlast the other… tanks are the pillars that hold the team together, supports and dps reinforce those pillars.»
This is completely true, as games such as follow the same guidelines. It isn't about pushing constantly, but rather finding balance and winning fights against the other team while battling head to head. These heated fights are what the game is all about, and winning those fights will be the difference between a win and a loss. Commenter ZoninoDaRat brings up another valid point, as they state,If Strategists don't push up with their tank,the tank is going to be burned down in a matter of seconds, which then leaves the rest of the team open to be burned down as well.
This is to be taken with a grain of salt, because not all Vanguard players know what they are doing and are confident in it, but those who main tanks in don't get all the «thanks» they deserve. Tanking truly is a difficult job, and as a tank, you are reliant on the rest of your team — especially Strategists — to win heated