Blizzard revealed nearly all the Hero Talent Trees including 6 new ones with the launch of the War Within Alpha.
Our Discipline & Holy Priest guide writer, AutomaticJak, offers an early review of the Oracle Hero Talents that has moved away from Power Infusion and now offers a unique buff playstyle that often feels like more work trying to 'catch' the right buff than a reward. Combine this with a lackluster fantasy and Oracle seems to still be struggling to find it's footing in Alpha.
The Oracle Hero Talent Tree, which previously focused on replacing Power Infusion with a cycling set of buffs to apply to other players has been reworked with the release of The War Within Alpha. It continues to cycle through buffs, no longer replaces Power Infusion, and the buffs are purely personal to the casting Priest. In this article we will discuss the updates to Oracle, how it feels to play with the new version for Holy and Discipline Priest and issues that players have pointed out during testing.
The old version of Oracle, which sparked a massively negative reaction with the community primarily focused on Premonition replacing Power Infusion and being given to others. Today on Alpha the buffs are similar to how the previous iteration but they are now personal.
Premonition — Piety grants a healing buff and overheal redistribution, reminiscent of Legion legendary Velen's Future Sight, Insight reduces the cooldown of your