So I had Monster Hunter Rise on PS+ back when I had a subscription last year, so today I decided to buy the Sunbreak bundle for $15 alongside Bubsy: The Woollies Strike Back which I also had on PS+ and Sony charged me for both games but I can't access either because Sony has decided that my purchased copies don't exist. Can someone help me?! Is there any way to fix this problem?! I'm on PS5 btw.
[Edited by WiiWareWave]
Are they already downloaded from plus? If so try to reinstall, maybe.
If not, usually the three dot menu in the store page can reveal different versions of the game to download. Failing that try to download to console via the app?
I don't think I've had this specific issue, but these are my go to moves when there are issues with downloading stuff.
Potentially refreshing the licenses too can solve various issues.
When you say «can't access either» if you add a little more detail whether it's in downloading or launching the game. I'm sure someone here will have the fix
[Edited by Ravix]
I bought the games since I no longer have PS+. But when I select the version I bought it just says you already own this title as an error message but doesn't give me the option to actually download it...
@WiiWareWave I know this sounds like a stupid question… but you are going in through your library rather than the store to access and download right?
Nope I'm using the store. It's not even showing up in my library.
[Edited by WiiWareWave]
I don't know anything about the ps5 but I do know any game claimed with ps+ can be a problem if you get content for it later. I know on the ps4 you have two content libraries, one in the settings and another in the psn store. I do know when I got the Gundam Code Fairy complete edition I didn't own the other two part's until I claimed them in game then the other two parts were owned. You can also use the psn app which will tell you what games you own.