Another day, another rumour of a tentpole Xbox exclusive coming to PS5.
We appreciate these stories aren’t particularly surprising at this point, but this speculation comes courtesy of Spanish tipster eXtas1s, who previously revealed the PlayStation version of Forza Horizon 5, which was officially confirmed earlier this week.
But it was never planned for Sony's system
According to the snoopster, Gears of War Trilogy Collection will launch day one on PS5, alongside Xbox Series X|S and PC. There’ll be full crossplay between all three versions of the game.
As the name implies, the package will feature the first three Gears of War titles, which originally launched on the Xbox 360. Funnily enough, a PS3 version of Gears of War 3 actually exists, as Epic owned the franchise and was considering taking it multiformat before eventually selling the intellectual property to Microsoft.
As that port was never finished, however, this collection would mark the series’ PlayStation debut, assuming the information is correct. It’d also introduce PS5 owners to the franchise ahead of the release of new entry, Gears of War E-Day, which has also been rumoured for Sony’s system.
As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.
More like Gears of BORE! Am I right?
I’m sorry, just don’t like Gears and I saw the opportunity to be facetious and took it.
its only 4 games
This collection has been rumoured for ages now, just announce and release the damn thing!
I’d actually play these tbh
I only liked the horde mode from Gears 2. Wasn't much of a fan of any of the other games.
This is the one series I think would be incredible on PlayStation. I’m looking forward to playing it soon.
I wonder what an alternate