The first Diablo 4 Campfire Chat livestream is now live — join us as we liveblog updates as they happen! Not everyone has the luxury of taking time out of their day to listen, though — and that's where Wowhead has you covered! We're liveblogging key updates and summaries in this article during the stream, so settle in, refresh often, and read on to learn more about the future of Diablo 4! Diablo 4 News Hub Diablo 4 Guide Hub
Launch Overview Diablo 4 has surpassed 350 million hours played. A large Client Patch is planned, covering 13 pages of patch notes, including fixing additional performance issues.Top Community Discussions — Dungeon Nerfs While players have been spamming normal Dungeons in order to level quickly, the team has continued to nerf these Dungeons in order to lead players to the intended endgame content, such as Nightmare Dungeons While these Dungeon nerfs were intended to make normal Dungeons more equal, the developers have ensured that buffs are coming. .