During their first Campfire Chat livestream, Blizzard has announced that they will change Gems into crafting material in Diablo 4 in the future to combat stash space issues. Campfire Chat Summary Missing Diablo 4 Gem Bag Ignites Community Discussion Gem storage has been a hot topic since the release of Diablo 4, with many players asking Blizzard to add a Gem tab to the inventory.
While we won't be getting a Gem tab for our inventory anytime soon, there will be changes made to how Gems are stored in the future. Starting with Season 2 of Diablo 4, Gems will be included in the «Materials» tab—no longer taking up space in your inventory and stash.
Prior to Season 1, Blizzard will also increase the crafting material caps. Crafting materials are currently capped at 9,999 each.Gems will be added to the materials tab in the future.
. Read more on wowhead.com