The entertaining sports anime, Blue Lock has taken the anime world by storm, captivating fans with its enthralling storyline. The story's main character, Yoichi Isagi, is a passionate young striker the Japanese Football Union chose for a unique project called «Blue Lock.» The project aims to create a striker who can single-handedly win games for the national team.
Blue Lock: Best Players In The Anime
Although Isagi is a good contender, it is clear that some other players possess an aptitude for the sport that sets them apart from the rest. This intense competition and training journey allows certain players to outshine the rest with their strength and physique.
Zantetsu was introduced as one of the members of Team V, playing alongside Nagi and Reo as a triple threat. He comes off charming in his attempt to sound more intelligent than he is, but he doesn’t need to fake his strength as a player.
Zantetsu can react quickly to planned or surprise moves from the opposition with a skill known as “explosive acceleration.” He is one of the few players who can rival Chigiri, especially at short ranges. He also has notable strength in his shots and passes.
Bachira has shown both talent and dedication on the show. While both are essential elements of his skill as a player, his talent sets him far ahead of the crowd. Bachira handles a ball like it’s an extension of his body, rendering even the most formidable defense useless with his speed and agility.
Even the best players at Blue Lock see Bachira’s strength. After his team lost to Team Red at the 3-on-3 stage, Aryu and Tokimitsu selected him to move forward with them, picking him even over a strong player like Nagi.
Nagi’s laziness is enough to throw off a suspecting eye. But even