Mysterio is causing chaos in New York City in , and he's crafted a series of challenges for Miles Morales' Spider-Man. These challenges, known as Mysteriums or Mysterium Dev Diaries, throw Miles into heavy combat with a few twists like poisonous gas, invisible enemies, and other strange games to mess with Miles' head.
Mysteriums will feel familiar to anyone who played, as they operate on similar principles to Taskmaster's challenges. Both have bronze, silver, and gold rankings based on Spider-Man's speed and efficiency in the challenge. Mysteriums, however, are all combat challenges with special additions. You only need a bronze rank to complete all ten Mysteriums and get the associated trophy and suit.
You can only play through Mysteriums when you play as Miles Morales. The challenges are not available as Peter Parker.
There are ten Mysteriums in, with one appearing after the completion of the previous nine. Mysteriums do not appear in the game until halfway through the main story. Once they are unlocked, however, Miles can take them on in any order before the last challenge. Mysteriums appear in Harlem, Central Park, the Upper East Side, Midtown, Chinatown, Downtown Queens, Williamsburg, and Downtown Brooklyn.
The Harlem Mysterium is southwest of the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge leading to Randalls Island. This challenge, «Under Construction», focuses on defeating all enemies quickly. «Prison Break», located on the Upper East Side end of the bridge overlooking Ryker's Island, is another large-scale brawl, the same as «Everyone's A Critic»in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When you're done, follow the street south into Midtown, and «The Invisible Enemy» Mysterium will be on your left. This Mysterium focuses on