Mary Jane Watson plays a significant role in , both from a narrative perspective as Peter's girlfriend, but also as a temporarily playable character, and most interestingly as part of one of the game's more surprising twists. MJ was introduced to the Spider-Man canon in 1965; since then she has gone on to become Peter Parker's main love interest and the principal beneficiary of his affection in the franchise's many movies, comics, and video games.
[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2]
Throughout, MJ goes on an emotional adventure that is every part as dramatic as Peter Parker or Miles Morales. With twists and turns, personal development, and a character arc to match any other figure in the game, MJ is quite possibly the most consistently likable character in. Mary Jane is incredibly well-rounded as a character, and an integral part of the story and gameplay, with her playable segments greatly improved over those of the first game, and her surprising turn into Scream being one of the game's more engaging boss fights.
Mary Jane's first appearance in takes place through phone calls, with her first true introduction coming while dropping off some boxes at Peter's house (formerly Aunt May's residence in Queens). The couple meet outside his house and share a kiss as Peter confesses that he lost his job as a result of the Sandman fight, the first boss battle in . After looking at some old photos of Peter, MJ has to leave; however, she quickly runs into a recently hospitalized Harry, who is waiting outside of Peter's house — this interaction between the trio represents the introduction of the Venom's host to the player.
From this early scene, until relatively late in the game, the vast