Fortnite's Rift Gate has been destroyed, and it seems that has caused the sky to open up. The first major live event in Fortnite was the meteor that hit the battle royale island and turned Dusty Depot into Dusty Divot. This was an iconic moment in Fortnite history and this is exactly when players were introduced to the first significant piece of lore. This was back in 2018, and since then the main storyline of the game has become much more complex and taken on bigger dimensions.
Ever since the start of Chapter 4 Season 1, Epic Games has been building up a new piece of the game's storyline through the narrative Oathbound quests; slowly, they've been giving fans parts of the next big thing coming in Fortnite. It is still unknown what exactly will occur and take the players from one season to the other, but speculation has been growing among fans lately, especially given the recent Fortnite leaks.
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It seems that the Rift Gate portal was completely destroyed, perhaps due to its lack of stability and the fact that it was impossible to close it back up. This can certainly lead to another catastrophic event in the Fortnite storyline. If players enter the game and look up at the sky, they will notice that it is now open and a menacing red glow is growing around the island.
On February 28, a new set of Oathbound quests was released. Players had to help Rift Warden Stellan open the Rift Gate, but they quickly discovered that it was unstable, and they couldn't close it back up. Stellan stated that he believed one of the characters on the island had sabotaged it. With the completion of the last quest, he adds that there's nothing they can do now, and this could result in the entire sky